You Should See The Dermatologist About That!

Are you worried about how acne has changed the look of your skin? A dermatologist can help. Click here for more information.

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Learning about Dermatology Services

Hello, my name is Angie. As a young adult, I was confused about the uneven skin coloring across my face. I had many red patches that stayed for weeks at a time. I also had extensive acne scarring from my troubled teen years. The dermatologist helped me find a suitable treatment for those problem areas. Today, my skin looks clear and healthy. I will use this site to talk about all of the services offered by dermatology professionals. I will also talk about the benefits of each type of treatment. Thank you for visiting my site.

You Should See The Dermatologist About That!

20 July 2021
, Blog

Chances are you have quite a few issues dermatologists treat. Acne, psoriasis, moles, skin cancer — maybe your list includes eczema and rosacea. It's true that a lot of dermatologists' work involves treating these common conditions. But dermatologists are capable of a whole lot more. If you're dealing with any of the following problems or conditions, you should see a dermatologist.

Highly Sensitive Skin

Do you find that your skin turns red, feels irritated, or becomes inflamed whenever you apply almost any product? You may be struggling to find cleansers, moisturizers, and other products that don't bother your skin. A dermatologist can help you narrow down which ingredients are affecting you this way. They know which ones are common irritants, and they may be able to tell what you're reacting to based on the appearance of your skin and how you're reacting to certain products. From there, they can recommend various skincare products that should not irritate your skin. These may be prescription products, but often, they're just products you can buy over-the-counter at your local pharmacy.

Peeling Fingernails

Sometimes, when people's fingernails are soft and peel easily, they just shrug their shoulders and figure their genetics are to blame. This may be true, but it also may not be. Peeling fingernails can also be a sign of an underlying condition like psoriasis, a fungal infection, or a nutrient deficiency. Your dermatologist can take a closer look and let you know what the likely underlying cause is. From there, you can work on finding a treatment that helps. It may be as simple as taking a multivitamin for a few months, or you may need an antifungal cream. 

You Sweat a Lot

Everyone sweats at a different rate. Some people are just heavier sweaters than others. However, if you are sweating so much that you have to change your shirt several times a day, or so much that you are embarrassed, then your sweating may fall into the "unusual" category. You may have a condition called hyperhidrosis, which is something a dermatologist can diagnose and treat. There are a few treatments available, including topical creams and injections. In fact, Botox often helps alleviate excessive sweating. With the help of a dermatologist, you don't have to be embarrassed anymore.

Dermatologists can help you with almost any skin or nail-related issue. If you're struggling with anything at all, make an appointment. Likewise, contact a dermatology service to learn more.